Insurance claims surveillance

Preparing for Surveillance

Preparing for surveillance isn’t just about making sure you have a full tank of gas and a fully charged camera.  For a field investigator, the preparation starts before the next assignment is even received.  In talking with industry veterans at Sherlock Investigations about their preparation for various field assignments, one thing is clear; they like Preparing for Surveillance

Insurance Claims Surveillance Nation

A combination of decreasing cost, advancements in camera technology and the dramatic rise in the use of cameras in the public sector is creating a insurance claims surveillance nation. In more cases that ever, privately owned surveillance cameras, those used by businesses and commercial buildings, are recording activity and those recordings are beginning to filter Insurance Claims Surveillance Nation

Insurance Claims Surveillance Investigators Have Ethical and Moral Obligations Beyond Their Legal Ones

A disturbing news report out of the UK highlights the fact that despite the need to investigate insurance claims, there is also an overriding moral and ethical consideration that comes with the job. Obviously, insurance claims surveillance is designed to be conducted discreetly and when done correctly, the claimant has no idea that they are Insurance Claims Surveillance Investigators Have Ethical and Moral Obligations Beyond Their Legal Ones