
Sherlock Investigations: Tricks of the Surveillance Trade – Bodashia

Sherlock Investigation’s Tricks of the Trade Investigator Bodashia Grimm has returned with more experience to divulge! Bodashia continues to pay it forward by organizing charitable events such as our company’s participation in the Polar Plunge for the Special Olympics and by representing the company at recruiting events. Her bright personality and alluring smile make Sherlock Sherlock Investigations: Tricks of the Surveillance Trade – Bodashia

Last Month in Surveillance

March was one of those fun months regarding surveillance.  We had quite a few really nice (50+ degree) days sandwiched between small stretches of garbage weather, causing flurries of claimant activity!!  Apparently, I wasn’t the only one that was itching to make the most of those breaks in the weather!  The war stories continue… One Last Month in Surveillance

From the Investigator: Sherlock’s Most Unique Cases – Bodashia

Sherlock Investigation’s Most Unique Cases As a fairly new employee with Sherlock Investigations, but also a seasoned investigator, Bodashia Grimm has come into the private sector with a vengeance.  Bodashia possesses a long list of qualifications including a B.S. in Criminal Justice and a Master’s in Business Administration. She has a love for finding outdoor From the Investigator: Sherlock’s Most Unique Cases – Bodashia

Last Month in Surveillance

February was a funny month for attempting to proactively schedule surveillance efforts.  Blowing snow in the early morning sent me home before I even ventured more than 15 miles from Brighton, TWICE!!  We saw 50 degrees once, or twice, but with that came rain.  These factors kept claimant activity rate, collectively, from rising all that Last Month in Surveillance