Neighborhood Canvassing

In general, a “neighborhood canvass” is a generic term for the act of going around an area and approaching people with a request for information. Although one can canvass for information within any area, it is usually done in residential neighborhoods, or business locations like retail shopping or recreation areas like bars and restaurants, etc.

When investigating a wide variety of insurance claims, an insurance claim neighborhood canvass for yet unidentified witnesses, for historical information or to assist in proving past residency is an invaluable tool. Many times a good canvass can provide essential information not available through any other avenue. Sherlock has extensive experience in conducting customized neighborhood canvasses for property and casualty claims investigations, workers compensation claims investigations, third party casualty loses and in some commercial insurance claims investigations. As one can imagine, this type of investigative technique requires both art and science to prove successful. The skills of investigative interviewing, recognizing signs of deception and asking open ended questions that lead to new information are based in established investigative doctrine. The ability to disarm people, set them at ease and get them to open up and be truthful is the art. This ability is one of the key differentiators of our team of field investigators. Combine the art and science with our knowledge of Michigan and all of its unique neighborhoods and Sherlock is easily the best option for gather information through neighborhood canvassing in Michigan.

What Clients are Saying

  • Paul Dank and Sherlock are top notch for any investigative needs. They provide great value for the money spent and have provided me with outstanding results. Highly recommended.

  • Paul and his staff are very professional in their approach to servicing their clients – effecient, communicative and goal oriented. Sherlock has obtained some fantastic results that have led to quick and favorable claim resolutions

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