
Optimizing Casualty Surveillance

In the most recent edition of the Michigan Chapter of IASIU’s newsletter, our Dan Klimek and Brian Coykendall, both subject matter experts in the area of surveillance and proper insurance claims investigations, authored an exceptional piece on three simple ways of optimizing casualty surveillance opportunities on insurance claims in Michigan. The article focuses on video Optimizing Casualty Surveillance

The Importance of Verifying Where a Claimant Lives Before Initiating Surveillance

The Importance of Verifying Where a Claimant Lives Before Initiating Surveillance In Michigan, the overwhelming majority of private investigation agencies that conduct insurance claims related surveillance have the same business model: use the lowest possible cost investigators to conduct the surveillance and use an administrative person to “set up” the cases and make the decisions The Importance of Verifying Where a Claimant Lives Before Initiating Surveillance

Surveillance Plan Of Action

Does your private investigator give you an actual plan of action BEFORE they spend your money? Chances are, unless your go-to investigation agency is Sherlock Investigations, the answer is no. At Sherlock we think a little differently and a lot more frequently than most agencies. Before we commit  any of our client’s money, we develop Surveillance Plan Of Action

Michigan Supreme Court Changes Independent Contractor Criterion, Allows Worker to Sue For Auto No Fault Benefits for His Injury

A recent ruling by the Michigan Supreme Court has ruled that each criterion of the Michigan workers compensation statue must be met for a worker to be deemed an employee and that a failure to meet any one of them would indicates the worker is a sub contractor. This ruling came from a case in Michigan Supreme Court Changes Independent Contractor Criterion, Allows Worker to Sue For Auto No Fault Benefits for His Injury