Michigan Supreme Court Changes Independent Contractor Criterion, Allows Worker to Sue For Auto No Fault Benefits for His Injury

A recent ruling by the Michigan Supreme Court has ruled that each criterion of the Michigan workers compensation statue must be met for a worker to be deemed an employee and that a failure to meet any one of them would indicates the worker is a sub contractor. This ruling came from a case in Michigan Supreme Court Changes Independent Contractor Criterion, Allows Worker to Sue For Auto No Fault Benefits for His Injury

Michigan Insurance Fraud Costs Everyone

Who really pays the bill for insurance Fraud?  We all do: insurance companies, policy holders, taxpayers and the general public all end up paying through increased insurance rates, higher taxes, and inflated prices for consumer goods and services. NICB estimates that property and casualty based insurance fraud cost Americans $30 billion per year. In comparison, Michigan Insurance Fraud Costs Everyone

Costly fraud necessitates need for increase Michigan attendant care claims surveillance

Last month the Louisiana Attorney General’s office charged 20 personal care attendants with insurance fraud as part of Medicare fraud scheme. As more law enforcement attention is being focused on attendant care fraud within the scope of Medicare abuse, in PIP states like Michigan, attendant care fraud and abuse is an ever present part of Costly fraud necessitates need for increase Michigan attendant care claims surveillance

Michigan PIP Claims Need More Investigation, Not Limitations in Coverage

As both Michigan and Florida continue to debate the elimination or reduction of PIP benefits, what becomes apparent to those of us in the business of conducting Michigan PIP claims investigations is that fraud is the single biggest cost component and the real driver behind the increasing costs of personal injury protection insurance. Organized medical Michigan PIP Claims Need More Investigation, Not Limitations in Coverage