The Importance of Verifying Where a Claimant Lives Before Initiating Surveillance
In Michigan, the overwhelming majority of private investigation agencies that conduct insurance claims related surveillance have the same business model: use the lowest possible cost investigators to conduct the surveillance and use an administrative person to “set up” the cases and make the decisions on the when, where, whats of the investigation. Some advertise that they only use law enforcement personnel to conduct their surveillance, but this is almost always a part time side job for those employees, and again they are the cheapest available. This translate to no real advantage from using these people, many of who know nothing about insurance claims or surveillance without a badge and team of backup.
The one must consider who is actually planning and managing the surveillance. This is usually left to a clerical staff person who is trained to run some generic databases and instructed to schedule the maximum amount of time the client has budgeted for the case. Now comes the tricky part. If any of the information provided by the client or the private investigator’s databases proves to be false or outdated, then they rack up a $ 2,000 bill for you with no actual chance of seeing the claimant. Do you really want the person who does the invoicing, answers the phone, orders office supplies and takes out the trash designing and managing your surveillance? This is not intentional, it is simply what this model produces, and ever vanilla, cookie cutter agency works the same way.
At Sherlock, we have a different model. One that consistently produces superior surveillance results. We have full time, professional investigators in the field, who are supported by actual full time skip tracers who understand the importance of verifying where a claimant lives before initiating surveillance.
If you are not a Sherlock client, we encourage you to contact our team and learn more about how we can make you look better.